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Pint of beer south wales pub

How did this South Wales brewery start?

Dog’s Window Brewery is a true testament to the passion and love for good beer! It all started as a simple social get-together between three friends who would enjoy sampling various homebrews. During these gatherings, the conversations would often be filled with compliments regarding the exceptional taste of the beers, and many would suggest that I should start selling my brews. Although these comments were initially taken as jokes and were met with laughter, one day the idea struck me, and I decided to take a chance and pursue the challenge of creating my own brewery. In 2018, what began as a small homebrew operation evolved into a full-fledged commercial brewery that offers the delicious beers you see today. Dog’s Window Brewery has managed to turn its hobby into a business while maintaining its passion for creating the finest quality beers. So, if you’re looking for an exceptional beer, look no further than Dog’s Window Brewery!

What makes Dog's Window special?

As a small-scale microbrewery, we prioritize quality over quantity which sets us apart from mass-produced beer brands. We really care about crafting every beer we produce, ensuring that it is meticulously made with attention to detail. We never compromise on the freshness of our ingredients as we order them just before use. In doing so, we can guarantee that every sip of our beer is bursting with flavor and aroma. Moreover, the unique advantage of being a small-scale brewery is that it enables us to experiment with different in-house beer formulas without worrying about securing huge amounts of ingredients. Our prized beer-making water emanates from a natural spring and is renowned for its purity and taste. We invite you to come and experience the unparalleled quality and taste of our hand-crafted beers that have been carefully created to satisfy even the most discerning of beer lovers.

Glass of hops south wales brewery

How did the brewery get it's name?

south Walse brewery dog jack russel

We have a Jack Russell named Bo who was adopted from dogs trust.

He has lived with us since 2012 and is a great character, he makes everyone smile that meets him.

His favourite place is sunbathing on my lounge windowsill while playing neighborhood watch.

He is such a big part of our family, so deserved pride of place.

Meet the brewer

Hi, my name is Lee Ralph, I’m the head brewer and owner of Dog’s Window. My craft beer journey started in 2015 with a pint of Beavertown Gamma Ray in a bar in Swansea and was blown away by how different and flavourful this beer was compared with everything I had drunk up to this point.

Fast forward to May 2017, the homebrewing bug had well and truly bitten and pretty much stopped buying beer.
Brewing batch after batch, reading books, listening to podcasts, and cramming as much knowledge into my head as possible. I decided to start brewing commercially February 2018 and officially launching in April 2018.

Favourite styles of mine to drink are, IPA (escpecially West Coast), Sours, and Belgians.
I’m a bit of a nightmare when it comes to brewing new beers, constantly getting new ideas and wanting to try new ingredients.

Brewer and owner lee ralph